
Transitive Words is a space where I get to talk about stuff. Most of it has to do with my opinions on the media I consume (because thoughts: I have them) but I might also digress into ramblings on my experiences with therapy, healthcare professionals, the growth gap between being a victim and being a survivor of things, writing, and anything that crosses my mind that's fit for public consumption.

Mostly it's about analysing the books, from a perspective of all the things I am, have been, and have experienced.

Part of my assessment in my first semester involved keeping a Reader's Log about the books I read, and the films I watched. After four months of typing away, I ended up submitting a twenty-thousand-word document to my poor overworked teacher ... some four thousand words longer than the honours thesis I needed a year to write.

I came to the discovery that when it comes to putting down my thoughts on the media (and how it portrays and treats women, trans* folk, queer folk, people with disabilities, people with mental illness, abuse, domestic violence, assault), I have a lot of words, and I enjoy writing it out. So I might as well put my ability to read quickly and think lots of thoughts to good use, and actually part-review, part analyse the books I read. I get personal, because I can't do this without getting personal, and because I'm not interested in an 'objective' analysis. I'm here to analyse from the perspective of someone just like me.



I'm not nice. I'm writing reviews about books that quite often annoyed, hurt, upset or triggered me in some way, and while I'm not out there to slander an author, I'm not always going to present things in the kindest possible way.

(I'm operating on the principle that if you put your work out there for me to read, I'm entitled to explain what didn't work for me, with passion. I'm sure someone will return the favour when I'm published.)

I'm also a PWE student looking at a career as an editor, so it's my day job to sit around and analyse why things work, or don't work, and to be picking nits while I'm at it.

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